Bipal’s Twitter account hacked! Do not click on any suspicious links

Digital artist Beeple is the ultimate target of an NFT phishing scam Someone hacked the top-selling NFT artist’s Twitter account for posting a link to a phishing website to steal funds. The link leads to a fake website featuring a criminal collaboration with fashion brand Louis Vuitton. Take a closer look at what happened to Beeple’s Twitter hack here.

Someone hacked Beeple’s Twitter account earlier today. Credit: Harry

What happened to Beeple’s Twitter account hack?

Bipal tweeted today, “I have been working with LV behind the scenes for a long time.” “1000 Total Unique Pieces… Below Official Lottery”. A link to a phishing website was also part of the tweet, which has now been removed.

Soon, several prominent figures in the NFT space took to Twitter to warn others about the NFT phishing scandal.

Harry ETH, a security researcher at MetaMask / MyCrypto, tweeted: “Bipal’s Twitter account has been compromised to post a phishing website (ATO) to steal funds.

Similarly, NFT influencer, Zeneca wrote, “Bipal’s Twitter account has been hacked. Please spread the word. ”

Beeple's Twitter Hack Jenker Tweet
Zeneca has joined a few more to warn the NFT community.

How does NFT phishing scam work?

According to Harry, once someone links their wallet to a website shared by Bipal, it will start minting and send 1 ETH to the deal. Obviously, the website is not extracting wallets, as is the case with similar NFT scams.

Unfortunately, many NFT collectors who did not realize that Bipal’s Twitter account had been hacked became victims of the NFT phishing scandal. In addition, victims reportedly lost 35 ETHs or about $ 71,000 (at the time of writing).

Bipal’s Twitter bio still contains links to malicious websites. As Zeneca points out, always remember the golden rule: “Do not click on any link or link your wallet to a website that you do not understand and can trust / verify from multiple sources.”

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