Cain Cruise will be releasing NFT music on SoundMint

South African R&B musician Kaien Cruz is dropping an NFT music collection called “Back in Time” on SoundMint. In partnership with visual artist Somehoodlam, Drop contains a total of 1,500 unique audiovisual NFTs. We talk public sales live now. So let’s take a closer look at “Back in Time” before you head to the Mint!

Talented musician Cain Cruz is dropping a music NFT collection at Soundmint. Credit: BlackBookMag.

What is Cayenne Cruz’s music NFT collection “Back in Time”?

Initially, “Back in Time” is a collection of NFT music curated by Cruise and Somehudlam via Soundmint. As mentioned, this collection contains 1,500 unique audiovisual NFTs. Of this, the team allocated 1,250 NFT for those on the Mintlist. Another 250 copies are available through the public sale, which is now underway, at 0.1 ETH each.

Marked as non-binary, Cruz’s music career began in 2017 when their track “Love Me in the Dark” began. This led to a tour date with Justin Bieber and attracted the attention of several major labels. But instead of taking the regular path to success, the 23-year-old artist turned down a million-dollar record deal and plunged into the world of Web3.

What are the benefits of capturing NFT music from the “Back in Time” collection?

First, NFT holders will have exclusive access to Kaien Cruz’s concert and instant access to the artist’s music preview. Also, NFT holders can access “Somehoodlum Presents” events and enjoy similar benefits available to Somehoodlum NFT holders. This includes podcasts related to AirDrop, Gifts, and the SomeHoodlam NFT franchise.

But wait, there’s more. According to Soundmint, all “back in time” NFT holders will have exclusive access to future token-gated Marchex. Not to mention that every NFT CC0 is enabled. That way, you can commercialize your NFTs anyway.

Lastly, if you believe in the power of music NFT and want to get a copy today, just go to SoundMint’s Mint page.

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