Goblintown’s Super Weird Twitter Spaces saw their collection reach the 2nd ETH floor

After a seemingly bizarre Twitter space, the price of the goblintown.wtf (Goblintown) NFT collection floor has risen above 2 ETH. This is above the 90-day average selling price of 0.45 ETH.

Goblintown has seen massive growth from their bizarre Twitter space.

Twitter space

Goblintown hosted a Twitter space last night. Some of the big names in crypto and NFT space were extremely confusing. “It’s hard enough to explain our work to the norm,” she said. Imagine explaining Goblintown. This space. I can’t. “He also owns many of these goblins and admits he’s selling them for a profit.”

Finally, LooksRare, one of OpenSea’s leading competitors, even tuned in to say: “ₐₐₐₐₐₐₐᵤᵤᵤᵤGGGₕₕₕₕₕ”.

Unfortunately, we weren’t in Space Live to see it first hand. However, you can find a complete link to the 3 hour long Twitter spaces Here.

The only people in space were different goblin words the whole time. It has certainly reached the top of people’s interest based on the rising floor price.

Dedicated followers can be compared to Kevin during the Pixelmon drop, but according to some users this collection could actually be the next bluechip.

At points, Goblintown Twitter spaces were listened to by more than 2,000 people, which apparently created a lot of hype in NFT spaces. It’s certainly not something we’ve ever seen before.

About Goblintown

Goblintown, or Goblintown.wtf’s official name is an NFT collection that depicts fairly bizarre looking goblins. They are certainly gaining a lot of hype, and a very close, yet niche, community.

Their artwork is inexplicable. Simply put, they are goblins. Like most NFT collections, they have a variety of features that make them completely unique. These are some weird looking NFTs, but they’re obviously pretty cool to some.

Interestingly, their mint was basically free. And going from there to where they are now, especially in the bear market, is very impressive.

On OpenSea, the main marketplace for Ethereum NFTs, Goblintown 2 has reached a higher price than ETH. Due to the bear market, it sits at just under USD $ 4000.

Now, their fans seem to have their own language, as seen on them Twitter Feed, which hosts more than 23,000 followers since its launch this month alone Their text on social media is often lowercase text and uppercase text, creating all sorts of weird sounds and words, like “GGGₕₕₕₕₕ”

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