Iconic Fight Moments for UFC Strike NFTs Ultimate fans

UFC Strike NFTs offer Ultimate Fight fans a unique way to collect the best fighting moments from their favorite MMA fighters. This sports NFTs project lets you collect NFT video clips of the biggest names in the UFC, landing some of their best knockout hits.

Video clips from the NFT collection include all your favorite MMA UFC fighters, such as Connor Mcgregor, Khabib Nurmagomedov, Isreal Adesanya and many more. Video clips are like the iconic highlights of the UFC or the history of the moments

In addition, the UFC strike will be accompanied by the release of a new NFT drop with each new round of combat.

They released the latest NFT drop for UFC 274 on May 3, 2022 and have been on sale ever since. However, you can now buy it at the UFC Strike Marketplace.

Who owns the UFC strike?

UFC has come up with a partnership between NFT Dapper Labs and the UFC operating company. You may know Dapper Labs through their previous sports partnership. This includes a very successful NBA Top Shots partnership with the NBA.

With over 625 million followers and 178 million social media followers, the UFC does not need any identity of its own. However, if you live under a rock, UFC is the most popular MMA organization in the world.

The UFC Strike Company made its first drop on 23 January 2022 and had instant success with the fans. The project earned $ 6 million from sales. Looks like a lot of fans want UFC NFTs.

Dana White, president of the UFC, speaking to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, says “It simply came to our notice then. Everything we sold was sold out in a matter of minutes. “

In addition, “If it’s going to go where it is now, it’s going to be huge,” he said. He said.

Losses from NFTs will not only benefit the company, as fighters gain 50% from the sale of NFTs. In addition, if the NFT trend continues, the owner of a UFC momentum may also benefit quite well.

How do you buy UFC Strike Moment Pack?

Dapper Labs has its own blockchain called Flow, so buying and selling Moment Pack is quite easy.

First, you need to go to Dapper and open a Dapper account with an email address and password. You will then need to add a bank account to which the funds and the account will be linked. After that, the next UFC Moment drop is on the Moment Pack page of the UFC Strike website.

Next, wait on the pack page. There you will see a ticker that usually tells you how long you have to wait.

When it is your turn to purchase a digital MMA sports pack, you are redirected to a payment page. Here you will pay using your wallet.

Once the transaction is complete, you can open your UFC Strike Pack and become part of a community of UFC Digital fans.

Each pack contains 3 moments from UFC fights of varying degrees of rarity.

The rarity of UFC NFT collection

Like any NFT, the collection deficit plays an important role in creating fan engagement. UFC strikes are no different and have 5 levels of rarity. Here we list the digital moments from the most common to the rare NFT

  • Fandom: There is no ceiling for total moment
  • Contestants: A mint number between 10,000 and 25,000
  • Challenger: Minted 250 to 999 moments
  • Keeper: 25 to 99 NFT produced
  • Final: Rare Digital MomentsSUFC Strike No more than 10 in the marketplace

Sadly, you’re not guaranteed a Moments Pack, even if you’re on the Pack page for a drop. However, if you are lost, not all is lost. There is a secondary marketplace where you can trade your fighter moments.

If you prefer a ‘fight moment’ or find your favorite UFC fighter in the marketplace, you simply attach your wallet and confirm the transaction. Bingo, now you have your UFC Fighter Moment in your digital wallet.

UFC strike utility

At this point, when you start collecting moments from famous fights, you are creating the right to brag to your friends and helping the fighters with their dedication to the game. However, what excites me is that some physical utility may be added in the future. Such utilities may include meeting your favorite fighter or VIP pass in a future UFC fight.

Dapper Lab

Dapper Labs uses blockchain technology to bring you fun games, digital collectibles and blockchain tools. The team set up the entity in 2018 with the intention of making access to the new Web3 easier for ‘ordinary people’.

CryptoKitties, one of the first blockchain games created by them.

In addition, Dapper Labs has partnered with the NBA to collect some of the iconic action moments of basketball for fans. Collecting sports packs for all your favorite sports has never been easier. Dapper Labs has partnered with the NFL to bring the NFL collector, NFL, all day long.

In addition, Dapper Labs has announced a partnership with La Liga to bring La Liga history to the flow blockchain.

The latest thought

UFC Strike and Dapper Labs have won here. The UFC has a huge base and more fans will join the venue. This makes the prospect of future physical utilities an exciting project. Finally, DAP Labs has a proven track record in NFT sports projects. 2022 and beyond should bring great UFC strike NFT.

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