Breaking: Ethereum’s Ropsten Testnet Merge Completed – Defiant

Ethereum has for the first time completed a public testnet merge, which includes a major milestone in its roadmap towards proof-of-stack.

At 8 June 1210pm ET, Ropsten transformed from Proof-of-Work Consensus to Proof-of-Stack, merging the existing execution layer of TestNet with the PoS Consensus layer of the Ropsten Beacon chain.

Ethereum developers have celebrated the merge in a livestream hosted by ETHStaker and will now monitor the blockchain for any inconsistencies.

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The next step

The main developers of Ethereum will subsequently chain-merge two more public testnets – Sepolia and Goerli – as well as complete a few more shadow forks on the dedicated closed testnet. At that point, Merge will be considered ready for prime-time on Mainnet.

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Significant milestones

Merge is the most significant upgrade in Ethereum’s history. The proof-of-stake consensus conversion will initiate a 99% reduction in network energy costs as well as a 90% reduction in ETH issues for legitimacy.

Combined with the increase in base transaction fees since the introduction of EIP-1559 last August, the upgrade is expected to destroy more ETH than it has created, making Ether increasingly scarce over time.

The Ethereum Foundation recently asked devs to place their code on Ropsten to check if their protocols were working normally and to report any issues identified as a result of The Merge. Top dapps including leading money markets Aave And decentralized social graphs Lens Rapstein launched the installation to help test the merge.

Gnosis Chain, an Ethereum scalability solution formerly known as xDai, is also preparing for its own chain-merge. The upgrade will see its Proof-of-Authority-based EVM chain merge with the Proof-of-Stack Genius Beacon chain – which was launched in December 2021.

Gnosis Merge Coordinator, Dapoleon, Tweet On June 7 that Gnosis will soon launch Shadow Fork to begin its own merge test.

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