DeFi Alpha: USS V3 to Dollar-Cost Average + Single-sided LPs used in Banker V3 – The Defiant

DeFi Alpha is a weekly newsletter published every Friday for our premium subscribers, contributed by 4RC, DeFi Dad, and our Degen in Chief yyctrader’s Defiant Advisor and DeFi Investor. It aims to educate traders, investors and newcomers about investment opportunities in a decentralized way, as well as provide primers and guides on its emerging platforms.

Two years ago, DeFi investors could very easily name every crop cultivation opportunity without much effort. It was an easy time, when PultuGader introduced only a handful of parties with any liquidity to trade, lend, borrow, provide liquidity or even show new primitives such as no-loss savings.

But times have changed! Before the current bear market was captured, DeFi liquidity reached hundreds of billions of dollars across Ethereum, and new emerging DeFi economies have evolved into EVM-compatible chains such as Polygon and Avalanche and non-EVM chains such as Cosmos and Solana. Any day, a new DeFi or NFT project is launched.

So, after writing and creating countless DeFi guides and tutorials since 2019, we at The Defiant agreed to publish more detailed weekly guides on what you need to know in order to maintain new and old yielding opportunities.

If you want to connect deeply in the community and be a supporter of The Defiant, you can subscribe here.

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