Entering a new era: Are there any legal issues with NFT?

During the epidemic, the non-fungible token (NFT) market expanded, with conventional artists, performers and site galleries battling covid-related lockdowns. On the other hand, artists, enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and companies are trying to capitalize on the potential of NFTs and fully realize the market activities.

With billions upon billions of NFT sales, the industry faces legal challenges ranging from copyright, anti-money laundering, and patent rights to legislation and estate planning. On the other hand, NFTs can open up new markets and routes for manufacturers, as well as improve how we purchase and acquire all kinds of assets and manage ownership transactions more efficiently.

Hosting and data storage

Typically, an NFT and the intellectual property that it represents are stored separately. NFT is a digital asset that is kept only in blockchain where the digital asset is connected to NFT through a connection.

The connection will be broken if the digital resource is deleted or the hosting provider fails or otherwise goes offline. In this case, NFT will be useless because it will no longer be connected to digital resources and there will be no way to back it up. This can lead to business disruptions and regulatory issues depending on how NFT is used.

Ownership / Licensing Rights

With NFT, copyright and licensing rights are important elements. The buyer is usually the owner of the token, but can only get a license for the assets that the token represents. Note that the copyright of the asset is usually held by the author of the asset.

Various licensing terms can apply, ranging from personal and extensive commercialization rights to non-commercial rights. Regardless of the corporate model you choose, consumer rights should be clearly and accurately communicated in both the licensing terms and the marketing message.

On the other hand, mis-marketing can lead to various lawsuits and other problems. The terms of the license must be clear.


The tax issue seems to be another issue where the law has not yet kept pace with the growing popularity of NFT. There are legal limitations when dealing directly with the NFT.

NFTs are a slightly different type of digital resource because they can be individually identified and therefore cannot be ‘pooled’ for CGT purposes. CGTs seem to apply to the settlement of NFTs for profit or loss, and they are subject to tax, however, the exact tax situation is unclear.


One of the attractions for artists to tokenize digital art is that they may be compensated if their work is initially sold, and then profited if resold by other parties. Once you create and sell something, you will be compensated several times. However, only when you receive a programmed royalty payment is the NFT auctioned through the same NFT platform.

The final verdict

As consumer preferences for NFT increase, businesses must be aware of the legal implications. Numerous third-party stakeholders are involved in various stages of an NFT, from speculation to potential auctions.

While some third party risks associated with NFT and their design, promotion and sale are recognized by legal parties, others are unique to the NFT and blockchain world.

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