Game to Earn Can Gamify World: Meet Meet Earn Arcade

A new play-to-earn version of Wordle by Earn Arcade aims to help introduce people to the crypto community. The game allows people to win prizes, including MATIC, the polygon’s native currency.

Earn Arcade W3rdle is a monetary game that allows users to win $ MATIC.

What is Arn Arcade?

Arn Arcade is a play-to-Arn game created by developer and Web 3 creator David Hurley. This is an equation-based game by David’s latest game, which also made Impressive to Sams.

David has created a version of his Wordle called W3rdle, which allows users to earn cryptocurrency if they find the correct five-letter word. Currently, the reward for solving the W3rdle Earn Arcade game is 50 $ MATIC, which is about 20 20.

It is a fun game that is challenging, fun and rewarding. If you win prizes you will get a risk-free amount of crypto to get started and explore the larger economy. Moreover, winning $ 20 cryptocurrency is a great opportunity for those who are interested in cryptocurrency and want to see how it works.

Web 3 creators need help creating the future

The W3rdle Earn Arcade game is the result of web3 creators’ freedom to explore new things and allow tools. In May, Shan Puri, entrepreneur, former CEO of Bebo and now chairman of the popular crypto newsletter, Milk RoadA web 3 maker has announced the competition.

In a Twitter thread, he explained the details of the competition. He said, “Last month, I tweeted that I would donate 1 ETH to web3 makers. 1000+ people applied. We have selected 13 attractive manufacturers and given them 1 ETH (no strings attached) to create what they want. Here is what they created. “

David Hurley was one of Shan Puri’s picks. In addition, with this support, he has been able to create a simple but unique game that will give people a headstart in the crypto space. Earn Arcade has already given a lot of MATIC, although it is not clear how much.

Picture of the Milk Road logo
Arcade will join Milk Road as a daily game.

Discussing the project further, Shan Puri said, “av davidhurley87 has created a play-to-earn version of Wordle. Play at Wordlead, win @ 0xPolygon. The faster you solve it, the more you win. Cool onramp to get ordinary people to “win” crypto. We’re going to integrate it into the Milkroaddaily game every day. “

The W3rdle integration into the Milk Road Daily will also bring a huge audience to the game and allow people to explore David Hurley and his other works on Web3.

Earnings for the game continue to grow

The NFT continues to grow in the ecosystem using games to gain technology. P2E games like Axie Infinity have become hugely popular, and startups like Earn Arcade are looking for new ways to use technology in the best possible way.

Finally, when money is scarce, people are looking for new ways to earn extra income, which in some cases can work well. However, due to the fluctuations in the current market, there is less to make.

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