WAGMI United unveils new Crawley Town FC x Adidas jersey

The first look of the new WAGMI United x Crawley Town x Adidas jersey is here and it looks amazing! The Adidas Football Kit preview was tweeted earlier today via the animated 3D video teaser.

Adidas has just unveiled its brand new jersey for Crawley Town / WAGMI United. Credit: Adidas

WAGMI United’s new Adidas jersey features Chromie Squiggle.

The exciting Adidas jersey release came earlier today. The tweet features a 3D animated visual display of the jersey, with a quote: “You define sport, not what it is, as it may be”.

Notably, WAGMI United came to define his vision a day after the release of the jersey A long Twitter thread. The thread provides additional context for WAGMI United’s initial goals. E.g.,

  1. To reinvent broken legacy sports management models
  2. To give fans a meaningful voice
  3. To take Crowley Town FC, the smallest team in the English Football League, to the Premier League

For those who don’t know, WAGMI United is a group that includes some big names in the NFT. Some of the names that many will recognize are Gary V, Giffunk and Jimny. Also, Snowfro, the founder of the art block, whose iconic chromi squiggle adidas adidas x WAGMI United jersey, is also part of the team.

WAGMI United’s journey began in late 2021, when it was bought by English Football League 2 team Crowley United. Now the team behind it is trying to break new ground on the way to becoming a truly “Internet team”.

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