How to Avatar NFTs in Metaverse?
When discussing the metaverse as an integrated digital ecosystem it is essential to include our avatars. Create a unique 3D avatar that represents you across the metaverse with CryptoAvatars. Before we get into the technical details, here’s a little history on why this is important.
We already have a data-driven representation of Metaverse in our crypto wallet. Besides revealing how much money we have stashed away, our wallets can tell a lot about our gaming preferences, our use of DeFi apps and even where we get our NFT art. To some extent, the wallet is like the door to one’s soul.

Projects like CryptoAvatars and Genies can help with this. These projects allow you to create a visual image of yourself that can either represent who you are or something entirely new.
You don’t have to look like your visual image. The use of avatars as a form of representation is already in the NFT realm every day. With his most prized avatar persona serving as an additional visual layer during live interviews, Whaleshark took it to the next level. You can use an avatar to be recognized in the online metaverse but remain anonymous in your real life. Transform yourself? Then change your wallet, and you will change your avatar, and therefore your identity.
Somnium Space, Webaverse, and VR Chat are some of the apps that can use CryptoAvatars curated platform for creative designers. Let’s see how we can upload our 3D avatars to CryptoAvatars system.
Requirements for an avatar on CryptoAvatars
Once you’re done creating your avatar, double-check that it adheres to a few specifications. Avatar size in VR chat is limited to 7,500 triangles. Consider using the 3D computer graphics program Mixamo to create an avatar based on a humanoid (two arms, two legs, torso, and head). Anyone with an Adobe license can use this program for free. To make your avatars’ faces move, you need to employ blend shapes. Finally, the VRM file size should not exceed 25MB
First create an FBX file
- Create a 3D model called “four” in Blender with arms, legs, torso, and head. YouTube has tons of tutorials on how to make letters. I like this one, for example. Spend some time studying this, though! In the end, it will be worth it. To begin with, I assume you did something amazing!
- Make sure you include rig, mesh and blend shapes when exporting from Blender.
- The triangular limit is 7,500; Keep that in mind.
- To export a selection choose File > Export Selection > Export Selected Items. Exporting to FBX (make sure Animation and Deformation models are selected, select Centimeters in units and use FBX file format: FBX 2013)
In Unity, import the FBX
- Install Unity if it’s not already there. Create a new project in the latest version of Unity, 2019.3.9f1.
- Download the VRM SDK from the website. Get the unity bundle if you can! When it’s finished downloading, drag it into Unity. When the installation is complete there will be a VRM folder and VRM menu item in the Tools menu at the top.
- Drag your FBX avatar into a new folder created in Unity. Make sure the texture files are also imported in ‘Normal Map’ mode.
- Drag and drop the textures into the ‘Albedo’ field of the main map’s ‘Albedo’ field.
- It’s time to put your avatar to work. Select Mesh File, Rig, and Humanoid as your animation type from the drop-down menu. To further customize your rig’s settings, click “Apply” and “Save View”.
- The ligament of your letter matches the correct label in this case. Locate the left upper limb. Pose then Force T-pose if unsure.
- To export a humanoid model from UniVRM, go to View menu, Mesh and VRM.
- Fill in your information, choose Force T-Pose, choose Freeze Pose, then choose Use Experimental Export to save the pose. Later, please put it in the correct position as in your previous avatars In your project area, new folders will appear.
- To begin, remove the mesh from the View menu and replace it with a pre-fab in the view. Immediately, there is a T-spin.
- Once done, choose Export Humanoid from the UniVRM menu. It’s time to check if you’ve used Force T-Pose, Pose Freeze or Experimental Export. After that, click Export.
- VRM files can now be imported and exported. It is important to note that this avatar is not fully compatible with VR Chat CryptoAvatars will provide detailed instructions on how to achieve this, as well as further procedures to be followed.
Connecting to CryptoAvatars
- Polygonal Mind, creator of CryptoAvatars, has a private Discord channel for designers. To facilitate communication, we recommend that you sign up to their Discord server.
- They’ll walk you through the process of creating an NFT or avatar on the blockchain if you’ve never done it before. It includes a blockchain knowledge guide, a Metamask tutorial, a guide to setting up an account and uploading your avatar to the platform, an avatar technical guide, and Polygon Mind’s internal documentation about avatars.
- It’s up to designers to contribute their avatar designs with Polygonal Mind. It is their job to guarantee that all Metaverse Avatars meet the technical criteria for an open standard of Metaverse Avatars.
- Once the design is complete, Polygonal Mind will test the avatar in a virtual reality setting.
- A 1030x1440px photo of the designer’s self-created avatar is required after the community accepts the design.
- Thumbnail size will trim border. It is up to the creator to hold, move or transmit the avatar while doing so.
- After being approved by CryptoAvatars, the artist is now free to develop other avatars and post them on the service
- You can use your Metamask wallet to sign in to Select New Avatar from the drop-down menu. CryptoAvatars will customize your avatar using a standard frame. Additionally, your contribution needs a name, description, and ten tags. 25 MB is the maximum VRM file size
Closing Thoughts
Creating a metaverse avatar takes time, but it reflects you. It is not a gaming character that you play for hours but your representation in the virtual world Following this procedure and signing up with CryptoAvatars will ensure that your avatar development follows an open standard. Virtual worlds, chat systems, games, and (hopefully) the future support these avatars.
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