On Thin Ice: NFT Artist Interview | NFT Culture | NFT and Crypto Art Interviews and more

On Thin Eyes is a visionary artist who creates surreally detailed digital photo manipulation/animations in Photoshop, exploring the critical importance of human behavior and self-understanding. His first drop on Nifty Gateway is on June 21 curated by Mad Pups

Can you tell us about your background and what led you to become an artist and eventually experiment with NFTs?

I started taking pictures when I was 15, after joining the after school photo club and never doubted that I would be a photographer ever since. Began working as assistant to chief editorial and commercial photographer at age 20. I was doing my own photo session a few months back. Was in the top 10 editorial photographers in Lithuania for 5 years. But the art that I admired when I was young, no longer aligned with my values, and two years later I joined “Fluxus”, an incubator for young artists in Vilnius. It was here that I spent a wonderful and very important time experiencing a bit of the life of the bohemian artist and the freedom to create. “316 portraits for our soul” exhibition and short movie “Dream”, some light and wire sculptures have been created. I met my future husband there and we decided to move to the UK if we wanted a chance to escape our passions (he’s a DJ). My first job was handing out leaflets at night club events in London… never had a professional job, never had enough confidence as a self-taught photographer, with no post school education and a huge language barrier. Our first priority was to support our son. In 12 years together, we never took a family vacation, because all the extra money would go into our passion and setting up our home studio. I was getting ready … My plan was to open a portrait studio and slowly start making art to earn a stable income. But covid has hit. And then the company I was working for the last 8 and bit years went bankrupt and I lost my job at the beginning of 2021. And around the same time I started noticing all the NFT stuff on the internet. So I decided to try working full time for 2 months, and then part time if needed. I thought the timing of what happened was crazy, and I would be forever sad if I missed this opportunity. Everything just says “there’s never been a better time”. 16 months later I’m still making NFT full time and giving my best 100 percent to stay, and keep my dream of being an artist alive.

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NFT Marketplace Link:

When did you mint your first NFT? What platform did you choose and why? My first mint was 05.05.2021 in open sea. At that time I didn’t have much choice and friend suggested so…

“Babel” – 2ETH

Can you tell us one thing you can’t live without?

When my son asks me “Mom, do you need anything?” I say “peace and quiet”. Of course it goes after my son, husband and my cat. :DDD But, yes, I like quiet time when I can just think. There is a huge 12 year gap between my art creations, not only because of life circumstances, but also because I need time to think about what I want to say with my art and what it needs. And also what is my purpose as a man, or person, or character? What is happening to the world, and who am I? A lot to think about :DDD but I’m so glad I took the time. It was life changing. So now anytime I have a chance to be alone in peace and just think about things like my never-ending favorite dessert.

Who is your favorite artist(s) (NFT)? What about their style resonates with you?

I haven’t seen a lot (enough) of the art to start picking favorites, but I’ll mention a few from what I’ve seen. First would be Ash Keating. He does those huge color dripping/mixing murals and I would love to do it myself first. His workflow is therefore messy, but controlled, satisfying and meditative. And the result – the most delicious colorful voids. They are loud but also radiate some sort of quiet excitement and minimalism. I just fell in love with his creations. My recent abstract art discovery was Eric Minter. Probably colors and especially acid bright colors are my spot of the week. It’s funny because I’m mostly making B&W art. But I think it’s just for now. Perhaps my favorite art form would be kinetic art, light and sound installations. I hope one day I can visit the place installed by TUNDRA collective. Or any kind of installation that has the power to take you out of your normal day for a moment and let you experience something magical.

Who is your favorite NFT artist? What makes this artist unique?

This one is easy. Ruben W. He is unique to me personally, as his creations have expanded my photographers brain, how I can try and create new things using old tools. Widespread inspiration and influence.

What made you pursue the NFT industry?

(I would call it digital/digitized art locked in NFT). Its freshness. New community, new ways of using new technology, no rules, a bunch of artists, almost equal opportunity for everyone, a chance to live outside of art, a chance to work from home, create what I love.

What is one part of the NFT industry that you bought but wish you missed?

Art vise? None of them. I am not a “collector collector”, investing in art is a serious task, which requires a lot of research, a bit of luck, very steady nerves and of course taste. All my focus is on making art. Yes sometimes I collect what I like and what I can afford, but not as an investment. I believe there are many talented artists out there, and everyone will have a chance to find their Mona Lisa, including me. So no, I don’t think I missed anything.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Why this position?

New Zealand. Because from a distance it looks like heaven except for earthquakes. Also Canada. The only minus is the dire bear 🙂

What are your other passions besides art? Why?

Nature, birds, plants, gardening, thinking, writing. These things make me whole. A quiet walk through a field or a forest, watching birds, being surrounded by trees, feels just so right, so peaceful, like I wanted to do it, to live like that.

Do you create other forms of art?

I like to experiment with words. I love making textiles. But I probably don’t know where the line is between hobby and experiments and where art begins. I have a huge passion for using different creative mediums and learning how other artists/creators/creative professionals are working. Their tools, techniques, cultural arts. That’s why I’m exiting about my future as an artist, because I’m sure I won’t work in just one art form.

How do you come up with your specific style?

Hmmm… I don’t know, just a lot of photography editing I guess, and choosing mainly B&W. I would say I have a little bit of OCD which helps me to go crazy with details, and not to avoid very repetitive editing.

How has your style evolved over the years?

I am quite experienced photographer, but fresh artist. So my style is still evolving, and anyone who follows me, has a chance to witness that. And I hope my artistic journey is as much a departure for them as it is for me.

What is coming in the near future?

More colors, more animations, more experiments. Fasten your seatbelt.

If you could collaborate with one artist, who would it be?


Do you have any upcoming drops?

Yes! Crazy puppy curate drop on Nifty Gateway on July 21, 2021. “Ether” is a five-piece artwork. I used the stop motion method to create the animation and created different soundscapes for each part. I hope you enjoy it, since I’m really quitting it’s finally over.

“Take off” – 2ETH


What was your biggest failure and what did you learn from it? Here in the NFT space? Not listening to my gut when it comes to choosing people. Yes, there are thousands of creative, friendly, passionate people here, but there’s also a lot of money floating around here, and big money attracts a lot of shady and dangerous characters. Be brave, be kind, but trust must be earned. Do not directly listen and believe all influencers and NFT promoters, even if they are labeled as a community builder, famous artist. It’s easy to read after FOMO. Double triple check, and do your own research and don’t invest more than you can afford to lose.


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