Upcoming Drops: October 3-7

Let’s face it: the NFT space moves really fast. Given how quickly things can change in the metaverse, a week in NFT can be as good as a month IRL.

Don’t get us wrong — the more people into space, the merrier. But with the constant flow of great art and ideas, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with all the news, launches and general happenings.

Well, you can put the days of endless Twitter and Discord scrolling behind you, because we’ve put together a weekly list of upcoming NFT drops that you definitely don’t want to miss. Here’s what to watch this week.


WHO: hollow sun And Nut Hill

What: Three photography version pieces

When: October 3 @ 6:30 pm ET

Where: Nifty Gateway

Why: Photographers Holo Sun and Nat Hill have teamed up for a collaborative drop of three open-edition NFTs. Featuring “landscapes twisted from the land of fire and ice,” this collection combines surreal augmented imagery with unique NFT mechanics to present a collection That hill said Made to evolve over time.

bad crew

WHO: Badmianningood x Banksy via Austin Wilde

What: Five NFT auctions

When: October 4 @ 3:00 pm ET

Where: Makerplace

Why: In the early 2000s, former graffiti artist and indie label owner Austin Wild launched a hip-hop-inspired series called BADMEANiNGOOD, for which he commissioned Banksy to create four album covers and posters, and one for 2002–2003. Made an additional 12″ sleeve. Release These five creations have now been discovered by Wild, and will be immortalized as NFTs on the blockchain.


Gavin Shapiro's VLZ NFT

WHO: Gavin Shapiro

What: Bought two NFTs

When: October 5 @ 6:30 pm ET

Where: Nifty Gateway

Why: VLZ, short for “Very Large Zoetrope,” is the latest nifty gateway from New York-based digital artist Gavin Shapiro. Created in his alluring zoetrope style, VLZ is an homage to New Mexico’s VLA (Very Large Array) and is centered around Shapiro’s Taos, New Mexico art installation, which features 30 metal penguins, each 60 feet tall, that spin to complete one revolution each. . minutes

get real

WHO: The Master Plan® and others

What: Curated NFT Exhibition

When: October 5 @ 6:30 pm ET

Where: Makerplace

Why: Fine-art painter and multidisciplinary digital creator Originalplan returns to Makerspace, this time as curator to present a set of NFTs from artists who have yet to make a mark in the NFT space. The Get Real curation series focuses on giving stand-out artists a debut show, this round featuring 123 clans, Ben Johnston, Charlie Edmiston, Daniel Barretto, of DevonJsie1, Teddy Kellyand TOPO.


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