NFT Canvas gives you more control over your non-fungible tokens

Every NFT owner has wondered – at least once – why they didn’t get a non-fungible token with the features they wanted. Making the “RNG” aspect of minting NFTs less random would be beneficial, even if it could negatively affect secondary sales. That solution has finally arrived for Solana-based assets with NFT Canvas.

Unwanted NFT features begin

Whichever NFT one buys, there is always some level of digital art attached to it. That art can be an image, a video, music or other data. It may not have the features we want, and often there is no way to do anything about it. While some collections provide reproductive solutions to turn less favorable non-fungible tokens into more attractive solutions, one cannot ignore the potential trade-offs.

When “breeding” NFTs, you are effectively destroying the value of those tokens in search of a new token that may or may not have any value. As the overall supply of “primary” NFTs drops sharply, it’s a common practice for manufacturers to make collectors more scarce. In most cases, one needs two, three or four non-fungible tokens to “breed”, which seems rather steep.

Nevertheless, not all users want to consolidate their NFTs by destroying value. Offloading first-generation non-fungible tokens to the secondary market is often easier, assuming the collection has somewhat established itself. Bread NFTs often represent a spin-off collection, which has traditionally struggled to gain momentum, let alone hold value. Taking an unnecessary risk with no chance of undoing the “merger” is partly why reproduction has been a marginal use case for most collections.

Those who choose not to breed their assets are often forced to buy NFTs with their preferred characteristics from the secondary market. However, there is no guarantee that investing in an additional NFT will yield any value or profit. Instead, one becomes a bigger bag holder if the collection is largely liquid on the trading volume front. While this creates value for those who flip NFTs or want to profit from such assets, it is not an ideal experience for market entrants.

NFT Canvas introduces modularity and flexibility

Addressing the above-mentioned issues is essential to move the NFT industry forward. However, convincing mainstream users to blindly mint NFTs that they may not like or want will not lead to mass adoption. Instead, there must be ways to make NFTs more flexible and modular. For those looking for specific features – either for looks or utility – NFT Canvas has the answer.

Created by the Plutonian team, NFT Canvas makes Solana assets composable. Using this technology provides more flexibility to investors and backers of projects without disrupting the blockchain-based balance of power. There is no blockchain rollback or reversal involved. Instead, users can combine and split their non-fungible tokens to their heart’s content through on-chain activity.

If the result is not to one’s liking, the newly created non-fungible token can be split back into the previous one. This enables many possible combinations for investors and enthusiasts. This is possible through component NFTs, which can be arranged in any configuration. Additionally, the Canvas model serves as a framework for specifying which component NFT types can be added to a Canvas instance.

Early adoption and utility

The concept introduced by NFT Canvas can prove useful across various industry verticals. The technology developed by the Plutonian team will be featured in the Solana-based blockchain game. Players can customize and personalize their NFT spaceships. It is the first online multiplayer game that integrates the component NFT as a core element. Furthermore, this integration will further differentiate Plutonian from less flexible play-to-play titles. Potential uses of NFT avatars are far-reaching, including avatar projects, membership, ticketing, finance, content creation, trading, etc. There is no limit to what one can do by allowing NFT holders to pool their assets. Preferred non-fungible token. Although the industry has been successful till date, it still lacks momentum and cohesion. All this will change with NFT Canvas and future developments giving users more control over their assets.

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