The Metaverse Inventor creates his own Metaverse – Lamina 1

Neal Stephenson, the author who coined the actual term “metaverse,” is now officially working on—what else—his version of the metaverse.

It’s hard to find an article that discusses the metaverse without mentioning Neal Stephenson. After all, he is the one who popularized the term with his novel “Snow Crash”. In this, Metaverse is a virtual reality where users can interact with each other in three-dimensional space.

Although the Metaverse has been popularized by Stephenson’s novels, books, movies, and video games, he is not a fan of the current iteration. In a recent interview with Wired, Stephenson said he’s “disturbed” by the state of the metaverse and believes it’s time for a change.

Today, the metaverse is the playground of multi-billion brands and organizations. They have the resources to create and maintain virtual worlds. Stephenson, however, is not a fan of this power dynamic.

He believes that the Metaverse should be a decentralized space where anyone can create their world. Furthermore, Stephenson believes that this concentrated power will eventually weaponize the Metaverse. This is where Peter Vessens comes Vesenis is a cryptocurrency enthusiast who shares Stephenson’s vision for a decentralized metaverse. Together, they created Lamina1, their decentralized platform that will help solve some of the metaverse’s biggest problems.

Concept of Lamina 1

What about Lamina1? It is a decentralized, open source platform powered by cryptocurrency. This means that anyone can create their world on the platform without having to worry about censors or being shut down.

Its goal is to take the development of the metaverse away from giant corporations and take away their power. Stephenson and Vessens also want independent developers to use the Lamina 1 framework to build their Metaverse.

While this philosophy is a departure from current Metaverse development, it’s nothing new for Stephenson. His writings often deal with issues of dystopian society and centralized power. In Stephenson’s mind, the Metaverse is the next logical step in the evolution of technology, and he wants to make sure it’s done right.

Is this a good idea?

Stephenson’s attempt to solve the metaverse’s problems may be noble, but it does not rise above criticism. Some questions need to be asked about Lamina1 and its function.

The first question is, will a decentralized metaverse be a central part of our daily lives? More importantly, will it solve the problems of an unregulated digital world where many people are vulnerable?

We have already encountered numerous hate speech and content issues in the Metaverse. There are also issues of privacy and data leakage. It’s hard to see how a decentralized metaverse would fix these problems when they’re already so prevalent in the real world.

When will it be ready?

It’s hard to say when Stephenson and Vessenes will have a fully functional Lamina1 platform. For now, they are working on the framework and have yet to release a working product. This has many people wondering if Stephenson’s Metaverse will ever see the light of day.

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