The Lost Poet NFT: Everything About the Unique Collection

If you’re sick of algorithm-generated NFT, here’s something different for you. The Lost Poets NFT collection contains 65,536 poets from 1,024 different origins. Each NFT is created individually by an AI created specifically for this purpose. Curious?

A work of art, thousands of collectors. Credit: @poetslost

Here’s how the Lost Poets NFT collection works

Many manufacturers today build based on each other’s work, adding new elements to old ideas. Well, Murat Pak. This genius of a creator has brought this unique concept to life. It is not surprising that it immediately emerged from the crowd at the top of the NFT boom. So who are these lost poets?

Many ages ago, a large number of poets sat on dusty shelves in the Babylonian library, waiting to be discovered. They are wandering around 256 hidden shelves, waiting patiently. On September 3, 2021, the wait finally came to an end with the discovery of poets. Given that they do not use modular elements, all 65,536 lost poets are one-of-a-kind, varied and sophisticated.

Initially, each wallet containing 25 or more H ASH tokens will be eligible for Lost Poets NFT airdrop. Those who missed the Airdrop snapshot will be allowed pre-sale access if they have a 25 $ ASH token. In the end, the 48-hour sale ended in just 2 hours, with fans from around the world flocking to 65,536 poets. You can see them on OpenSea, currently the floor price is 0.229 ETH and the total trading volume is 30k ETH.

At the time of sale, all collectors were sorted by the number of NFT pages they acquired. Among them, the top 100 collectors will receive multiple origin tokens depending on their position on the leaderboard.

A few weeks after the sale, ACT II (The Reveal) finally started. The Lost Poets NFT owners will only see a fraction of the qualities of their poets Over time, more qualities will begin to show, revealing the whole product.

The Lost Poet NFT
Poet # 13246. Credit: OpenSea

See the secret roadmap

As part of the process of expression, lost poets will also be able to say more words. After all, what is the benefit of poets without saying anything?

In Act III (The Explorer), Lost Poets NFT collectors will discover the mechanism as more features come to life. At this stage, collectors can feed the pages of lost poets. With each page, collectors will have the ability to change their names and poets will be able to say more words.

As this process unfolds, the uniqueness and rarity of NFT will change accordingly. But that is not the end of the story. There will be a final twist in Act IV. However, no one still knows what is going to happen.

At the end of 365 days, all the lost poets NFT will achieve their final form. Also, all collectors will receive their $ ASH prize. This will officially mark the end of the journey for most collectors. For the lucky few, Pak has saved some of the original poets for future strategic auctioning or for giving at important events.

Knowing Pak, we will never know …

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