Magic Eden makes creator royalties optional. We received community feedback

The debate surrounding originator royalties in the NFT space has yet to find a conclusion. Given the fast-paced nature of the market, it’s no surprise that key players in Web3 are shifting their positions on royalties and other hot topics and breaking news that creates natural ripples throughout the ecosystem.

One such key player is Magic Eden. In September, Solana NFT marketplace giant announced the launch of MetaShield, a new suite of tools designed to help NFT creators protect their royalties. Now, the platform has doubled down, stating that creator royalties will now be optional in the market.

Reaction in the NFT community to the news was polarized. Although Magic Eden said via social media that the decision stemmed from the fact that creator royalties were “not enforceable at the protocol level”, some felt the move was a A slap in the face to the creatorsOthers believed it was Simply inevitable.

So what happened that led to this decision? And what does NFT Magic Eden do about it?

Magic Eden bids farewell to royalty. But why?

While it seems like a 180-turn for Magic Eden to offer new protections for creator royalties, only to remove them a month later, the platform doesn’t seem to have acted out of spite. In contrast, when announcing the decision to the public, the company communicated that it was done with much difficulty, but finally arrived after thinking internally and fielding input from Magic Eden merchants and creators.

“We are actively trying to avoid this outcome and have spent the last few weeks exploring various options,” Magic Eden said. said on Twitter. “Unfortunately, royalties are not enforceable at a protocol level, so we have had to adapt to changing market dynamics.”

Could it really be as simple as that? It certainly seems so.

Interest in optional creator royalties has grown in the NFT market, and Magic Eden’s ecosystem is no exception. Now, the decision to pay royalties has shifted from the seller to the buyer. So, regardless of a royalty split set by a creator, it’s up of the buyer Discretion is all, some, or none of the kickback percentage that manufacturers feel they deserve.

In conjunction with the decision, Magic Eden has also waived all platform fees for the foreseeable future, meaning the standard two percent fee collected by the marketplace will be waived for the time being. The platform announced a creator monetization hackathon to build pro-royalty and alternative creator monetization tools.

While some believe the $1 million hackathon was organized to help curry favor with the NFT community, Magic Eden continues to communicate the sad nature of their optional royalty decision, That tweet The company hopes the change won’t be permanent.

What does the NFT community think about this move?

While people in the NFT community may have different opinions about Magic Eden’s move, optional royalties are nothing new to Web3. As noted artist Brian Brinkman puts it, “The concept of ‘optional’ royalties is a misnomer,” noting that collectors continue to siphon off royalties through businesses and backchannels, according to an interview with NFT Now.

“Magic Eden is simply following trends and making royalty avoidance technically and ethically flexible,” Brinkman said. “I think markets can do whatever they want, but if you push optional royalties for manufacturers, the next logical step is optional fees for marketplaces.”

Just as we’ve seen platforms like sudoswap, X2Y2, and Yawww emerge as the antithesis of cookie-cutter creator royalties, the popularity of zero-fee marketplaces cannot be ignored. And of course, while the conversation surrounding this Magic Eden news has sparked hate in the NFT space, the company’s decision to make royalties optional speaks to the viability of creator royalties in the NFT space.

As a prominent voice in the ongoing debate surrounding royalties, industry heavyweight Bipole Took it to Twitter Says he’s a royalty supporter, “switching from a seller’s fee to a buyer’s premium” could be a long-term model. “Switching to a buyer’s premium, [buyers] Very motivated to actually pay [royalties] As they enter the project and see if the builders [royalties] The money was paid,” he commented directly on Magic Eden’s actions.

Beeple noted that creators could potentially “disable” NFT metadata if royalties aren’t paid (much like MetaShield hopes to empower creators) or take measures that are less punitive and more geared toward “premium” versions of NFTs. In his Twitter thread, he reminded his followers that NFTs do not come with built-in royalty splits and that they are something that must be offered or honored by NFT marketplaces.

Still Betty, co-founder The Influential Deadfellas Project, the importance of creator royalties to power the NFT space cannot be understated. “There isn’t a project in this ecosystem that hasn’t used royalties in construction,” says Beatty via Twitter. He also noted that Magic Eden’s decision could make it harder for smaller creators to self-promote and achieve high profile without the financial benefit of royalties, tweeting: “Your choice with huge volume? Will they get where they are without royalties?”

The argument coming from space artists is important, to be sure. But on the other hand, collectors continue to oppose options that take away their choice in the matter, often forcing them to pay secondary fees on large transactions. And beyond the issue of choice, some also cite another point of contention, the many pump-and-dump schemes and rag tans that have used royalties to gradually accumulate wealth.

So again, it is the need and function of royalties that is most prominent in the discussion surrounding Magic Eden’s operations. Because royalty percentages are set at a smart contract level or not, marketplaces have the option (not the requirement) to honor and implement them.

How are manufacturers affected by all this?

Obviously, making Magic Eden royalty optional affects creators the most. It goes without saying that redundant royalties will benefit collectors the most, as they can now choose how much they pay creators when purchasing a piece on the secondary market. It is highly unlikely that collectors would choose to pay more for their NFTs if given a choice.

While Beeple makes some good points about the functionality of a “buyer’s premium,” it’s probably only established artists and well-established collections that will benefit from this model. This means, as Betty points out, that smaller artists will find it harder to turn a profit over time and will likely struggle to gain a foothold through punitive measures regarding royalty payments (or lack thereof).

As far as Brinkman is concerned, Magic Eden’s decisions could change how creators express themselves. “We’ll see fewer free mints and airdrops, and more creators holding mints for themselves,” Brinkman said. “Just as we’ve seen creators take more control over their smart contracts and primary sales, I believe we’ll see creators move away from marketplaces and into more bespoke secondary marketplaces that can provide greater incentives for artists and collectors.”

While the creator royalty debate seems like a two-party affair — those who support royalties and those who don’t — marketplaces remain the third party that really has the power to move the needle. Regardless of what artists and collectors say, it’s the platform’s functionality that makes NFT publishing and trading the most important.

This is exactly why Magic Eden’s decision, in addition to news from other platforms like Blur (which aims to Collectors of awards for payment of royalties) so pressed. Indeed, compelling points have been made by all sides in the creator’s royalty debate. But until a method is arrived at that makes everyone happy, the discussion continues.

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