Stephane Duquesnoy Bloom NFT Artist Interview II | NFT Culture | Web3 Culture NFTs and Crypto Art | Platforms and projects
Art is made to be experienced. An experience behind your computer is dramatically different from standing in front of a large artwork in a physically designed environment. Humans are meant to participate in a physical environment that triggers all of our senses. I think this is why we’re seeing so many metaverse researchers switch to mixed reality experiences rather than strictly virtual experiences.
Personally, I like to travel to see art and plan a day around it. All those little experiences add up to the show. The art becomes a part of the memory and is more precious to me because of it.
Another big plus of working with IRL exhibits is reaching new people. Ultimately, again industry experience is required. The more people experience it, the better. Getting the art in front of a person, and having them feel it, is important. And what better way to get it there, than in a beautiful space or doing your work on a great screen, surrounded by beautiful art.
Origin is a big one. On one hand we have art, on the other hand we have the history of art. That history can be turned into a narrative and a story. Together they create something priceless. There is this example of a portrait made by Da Vinci, for a long time it was unknown that Da Vinci made it, but there were theories about it. Over the decades, and changing hands of various collectors, it was finally verified to be a DaVinci. This artwork is now suddenly more than just a portrait, but it is the story of an artwork that would have been almost lost to history, had it not been for a man who believed the work to be an original.
NFT is the first solution that we can use to add provenance to an artwork, in such a way that the database is accessible to everyone. Currently, artifact histories are scattered across books, physical ledgers, and centralized databases. It is almost impossible to determine the history of something unless it is well documented. The NFT is essentially a record in a publicly accessible database, which stores bits of that information so it cannot be forged. It’s a way we can preserve all the little stories of our time surrounding the art we create. We are famous or not. There has never been a point in our history where we could preserve our history in such a neutral and public way, and that would do a lot of great things for art, but also for us as a culture.
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